FZ-8802A UL 规格电线电缆耐燃烧试验机 UL TYPE WIRE AND CABLE FLAME TESTER UL62,UL1581 本机按照 UL 标准要求测试电线电缆绝缘体或被覆的防火情形。试法是 将试样固定于本机不受吹动之火焰顶端,燃烧 15 秒,熄灭 15 秒,反复 5 次,试验后取下试样检视试样被焚率。本机可设定燃烧时间、间歇时间及次数并自动运行。 This machine is to perform fire-protecting of insulator or sheathing。Test method is that fix the specimen to the position at which the tip of the test flame without any affects by breeze as well,and keep it there for 15 seconds,then removed it for 15 seconds。To repeat the above actions for five times observes the burn-rate of the specimen。The tester able to be set for test interval and times of the flame,and operated automatically。