参考资料:http://www.hichine.com 海泰美信工业设备(北京)有限公司
海泰美信工业设备(北京)有限公司是北京一家专门做泵阀的生产厂家 欢迎来电咨询洽谈 咨询热线 010-83265380
MCN 型磁力驱动内啮合齿轮泵

(1) 全密封、无泄漏
(2) 泵内所有运转部件均利用其输送的介质润滑 (3) 内齿轮为主动轮,外齿轮为从动轮,结构紧凑、外形美观、体积小、噪音低 (4) 有设计合理的泄油和回油槽,使齿轮在工作中承受的扭矩力最小,因此轴承负荷小,磨损小,泵效率高 |
The features :
(1) Non-leakage
(2) All rotary parts of pump are lubricated by fluid. (3) Inter gear is driver, outer gear is driven, the excellence of which is compact feature, s (4)In the virtue of rational oil groove, the torque of gear is least, so bearing charge lighten, abrasion minish, and the efficiency of pump improve. |
标准性能表 Specifications
海泰美信工业设备(北京)有限公司是北京一家专门做泵阀的生产厂家 欢迎来电咨询洽谈 咨询热线 010-83265380
MCN 型磁力驱动内啮合齿轮泵
MCN 型磁力驱动内啮合齿轮泵,适用于输送介质粘度小于 50Pa.s ,温度为 -20 ~ 200 ℃,粒度≤ 0.02mm 的腐蚀性或非腐蚀性液体介质,广泛应用于石油、化工、制药、电镀、食品等行业输送无固体颗粒的酸、碱液、油类、稀有贵重液体和易燃、易爆及高粘度的液体介质。
MCN magnetic-driving internal gear pump is fit for corrosive or non-corrosive liquids that viscosity is less than 50, the scope of temperature is –20℃~200℃,the granularity is less than 0.02. It has wildly applied to petroleum, chemical, pharmacy, plating and food processing for conveying clean acid, lye, oil, rare liquids, and inflammable, explosive, high viscosity liquids.