
ISC 2N3055 整流可调电源专用晶体管

2013-11-06 11:20  无锡固电半导体股份有限公司   21次浏览

价 格: 面议

Inchange Semiconductor (ISC) has one of the most extensive semiconductor lines in the industry. All ISC semiconductors are guaranteed to meet or exceed original parts. ISC is one of the largest manufacturer for replacement semiconductor, could offer discontinued, obsolete, hard to find parts, diminishing source discrete semiconductor. They will remain in ISC’s production as long as there are customers’ demands, even if there is one customer and the demand is small. ISC established in 1991. Covers8acres, with plant of 80,100 square feet. ISC has offered high quality products and excellent service for more than 20 years and serves over 1,600 customers all over the world. ISC offer more than 5,000 parts and twenty packages. The products of ISC have a reputation in 40 countries around the world, and are widely used in various electronics. ISC can also design and produce according to customers’ needs. We make sure you will find the items you need in ISC.

联系:王冬逸 (先生) 网络营销 
地址:中国 江苏 无锡市 新区新梅路68号
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