
Lube-lok 4396/5396涂层

2013-12-10 02:46  比尔安达(上海)润滑材料有限公司   24次浏览

价 格: ¥5.00

 Lube-Lok 4396 is a solid film lubricant. This coating provides an extremely low coefficient of friction, very good chemical resistance, good wear life properties and performs best over a wide range of loads.

• Mechanical Components
• Industrial Machinery & Equipment
• Fasteners
• Slide valves, cylinders, pistons
• Leaf springs, rocker arms, hinge pins
• Gears, cams and followers
• Sleeve and joint bearings

Lube-Lok 5396 provides an extremely low coefficient of friction, very good chemical resistance; good wear life properties and performs best over a wide range of loads. Lube-Lok 5396 is sold to the following specifications; Mil-L-25504**, Mil-L-22273, and Mil-L-8937. 

.Mechanical components
• Slide valves, cylinders, pistons
• Industrial machinery and equipment
• Leaf springs, rocker arms, hinge pins
• Chemical processing
• Gears, cams and followers
• Fabricated metal parts
• Sleeve and joint bearings

联系:汪鸿涛 (先生)  
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