

2013-10-13 11:33  广州红鹰物流有限公司   3次浏览

价 格: 面议

五常大件运输冷藏危险品运输(广告及同行和少量勿扰!)Tel:400-860-2775(Mobile: 138-2606-8447)(Mobile: 153-6082-6447)货场邻挨山底网络信号不是很好。若电话不通请拔打其它号码!详情www.hongyingwl.com,www.82623343.com,shop57060288.taobao.com 广州红鹰红旗货运公司每天可发货运输,6至7天可送货运输到达以下地点:五常镇 拉林满族镇 山河镇 小山子镇 安家镇 牛家满族镇 杜家镇 背荫河镇 冲河镇 沙河子镇 向阳镇 兴盛乡 志广乡 卫国乡 常堡乡 乡 龙凤山乡 红旗满族乡 八家子乡 民乐朝鲜族乡 营城子满族乡 长山乡 兴隆乡 二河乡 山河屯林业局 总部地址:广州白云区太和镇大源中路188号(鑫都物流圆)门口 The p5 large refrigerated transport of dangerous goods transportation (advertising and a small amount and you are the one! Mobile: Tel: 400-860-2775 (400-860-2775) (Mobile: 153-6082-6447) freight yard adjacent to mountain. Network signal is not very good. If the telephone line is interrupted, please call the other number! Details, www.hongyingwl.com, www.82623343.com, shop57060288.taobao.com Guangzhou red eagle flag shipping company can deliver goods transport every day, 6 to 7 days can transport delivery to the following location: WuChangZhen pull manchu town was Lin town xiaoshanzi town AnGuZhen cattle home town of manchu Du Guzhen rushed back shadow river town river town in the town of shahe son XiangYangZhen thriving township township tzu chi guang wei township township longfeng often BaoXiang public opinion as a red flag township manchu eight ZiXiang folk music city child manchu nationality township camp township long shan xinglong village two river village was forestry bureau Headquarters address: guangzhou baiyun district taihe town and source road no. 188 (xin logistics circle) the door

联系:肖红英 (女士) 经理 
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