GTZ-B曲臂式高空作业升降平台GTZ-B系列高空作业平台是垂直和剪叉式升降机械的换代新品,可广泛用于车站、码头、宾馆大厅、仓库、车间以及供电和建筑装璜部分高空作业场合,本机具有重量轻、移动方便、操作简单、作业面积大,特别是能够跨越障碍物进行作业等有点,曲臂式高空作业升降平台是理想的登高作业机械。 曲臂式高空作业升降平台Summarize GTZ - B series aerial work platform is vertical and scissor lift machine the new product, which can be widely used in stations, docks, hotel lobbies, warehouse, workshop and power supply and building decoration parts aloft working places, the machine with light weight, convenient to move, simple operation, homework large area, especially to overcome obstacles and so on advantages, is the ideal homework assignments the ascent of mechanical.